Here are some of the things that i've been working on for the past week for my friend Tami--as you can see from the card, she is 30...something!

Lastly is the scarf--it's hard to get a good picture of a scarf unless you have a model, so Kalli stepped up to the challenge and modelled for me. Now all i did was ask her to wear it so i could get a good picture--i did not in anyway tell her HOW to stand and look at what she does.....
I love to make these little dishclothes--i don't do anything fancy....they are a dishcloth after all!! But because you can make a couple in an evening; they give me instant satisfaction!! 

Could she have any more of a models' pose?!? (Seriously though--whose kid is she--i certainly don't stand like that.....the hip off to one foot in front of the other....i don't even wear high heels....where do they learn these things!!) But i have to say, she does look cute!!