Friday, March 6, 2009
100's day project--UPDATE

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Sound of Music

At the end of the movie, then began to question me as to whether I had seen "Freaky Friday"--"you mean the one with Jamie Lee Curtis? My girls LOVE that movie!!" Apparently that was NOT the version they were referring too!! I guess we'll be planning another 'classic movie night'!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
How much snow can a snowshoveller shovel, if a....

Well we weren't expecting it to be up to our knees!!

I did get my stained glass hung up - thanks Shane and Renata--it looks BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE IT!! That evening our "cancelled couple" showed up, so that was a great surprise! (Notice how they missed all the shovelling though!) The next day we all bundled up and went for a walk/snowshoe around--it was a beautiful sunny day--and hard to stay inside!
The guys did some ice fishing, but with no luck-even with this lovely "bait-mobile":
The nights were clear which is perfect for star gazing from the hot tub! It was a great weekend and of course Sunday came too soon! We're hoping to be back out sometime during spring break, so i'm back to......15 days and counting down.....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
1 more sleep!

Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!


THEN I couldn’t resist trying out these little hearts—some felt, beads, buttons and a magnet for the back. They take about 45min each—another instant satisfaction project!

Monday, February 9, 2009
It's the GRADE 5 DANCE mom!!!

So on the way home--i'm only $20 poorer--i ask "so how many other girls are getting new dresses for the dance?" Her reply "oh i don't know, i haven't talked about it to anyone". How silly of me to assume she wants one because EVERYONE ELSE is getting one.....no.....she just wants one because hello...IT'S THE GRADE 5 DANCE!!! So this is what i was doing for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights:
So i tell her to find out from her friends who all is going to wear a dress to the dance--she reports back that her friend(s) told her that 'you just wear regular clothes'. (She is in complete disbelief of this--it's a DANCE people!!) She doesn't care--and we forge ahead--i'm so proud of her--she won't bend to the peer pressure--she's going to the dance, in dancing clothes!! So here is the final result--(again, where do my kids learn to pose like this?!?!)

Monday, February 2, 2009
17 more sleeps

Friday, January 30, 2009
My project--birthday presents

Could she have any more of a models' pose?!? (Seriously though--whose kid is she--i certainly don't stand like that.....the hip off to one side.....one foot in front of the other....i don't even wear high heels....where do they learn these things!!) But i have to say, she does look cute!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
People are great!!
On Monday, on my walk home at lunch, i stopped to talk to my next door neighbor. She noticed that Rex had "blew a bootie". Now being that Rex is only about 7lbs, his booties are pretty small, however they are also inexpensive to buy at the Feed Store so it's not the end of the world. However, I figured that i MIGHT be able to find it as i walked to work the next morning, but alas it snowed that night!! I did not give up hope and kept my eyes peeled as i walked to and from work on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, as i'm crossing Tatchun, a car pulls up to the stop sign, the driver gets out and says to me "i think we found your dog's bootie". REALLY? "Just go knock on the door and my mother-in-law will give it to you"--and off he goes.
So i continue home, drop off Rex, stop at this guys house, knock on the door and am greeted by the whole family, their dog included!! The mother-in-law informs me that she found it down by Rotary Park!!!
Now what are the odds that when i loose this 1 x 2 inch bootie:
- a lady picks it up and doesn't just ignore it
- brings it home to within 1 block of my house
- her son-in-law leaves his house
- intersects with me walking home with Rex
- takes the time to look at Rex (or his little feet)
- stops and talks to me
- i am reunited with the missing bootie
I think that is just a reminder that people are great!! Later that afternoon i watch from across the street as a vehicle stuck in it's snowy filled parking spot, is struggling to rock back and forth to gain momentum to try & get out. Along comes a guy walking down the sidewalk who stops, puts down the stuff he is carrying and helps push this person out of the snow!! People ARE great!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The rising cost.....of cereal
I think we should start a cereal protest or strike--stop buying it until they increase the size of the box back to what they were and they leave the price alone. Cereal is my favorite food--it works for all three meals and a snack--but thankfully my kids are not big cereal eaters, so the rise in cost won't kill me.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
100's day
Anyways we both made it to 100, Taylor made it to 26--i think because she is the kind of kid who delights in about a million different things a day, so to try and take the time to write down 100 of them, would be just too overwhelming!!! These lists were so neat that we taped them to the wall and there they have hung for a year!! I decided last weekend that I should take them down, date them, fold them up and put them away for when they were older. I would love to see now what delighted me when I was a kid.
So this morning, as Taylor was sitting there eating her breakfast, reading over the lists (i've taken them down and dated them--just haven't quite gotten them folded and put away yet!!), she informs me that February 4th was the deadline for Kalli's 100's day project. And sitting beside her was Kalli--eating Cherioo's!! Kalli doesn't say a word about the project--she was probably in deep thought wondering whether to glue 100 Cherioo's to a poster board, or do something way more significant---she is, after all, 8 years old now!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Christmas has officially ended
I have always been one to insist on a real tree and refused to even consider a fake, but last year I took the plunge and bought a brand new, fake prelit tree with a remote, all for $50!!! I have to say, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be:
- I don't have to crawl under it to check the water
- I don't have to try and water it without spilling any on the presents
- I don't have to risk buying a real one and having it begin dropping needles 3 days later
- I don't have to tie it to the wall/ceiling in order to keep it from falling down
- I don't get sap all over myself
- I don't have to manuever myself between it and the wall to unplug the lights (because I have a handy dandy remote!!)
- I can set it up early and take it down late to get my fill of Christmas tree viewing
- -40 has no bearing on whether I can go and get my tree
- I miss the smell of a 'real' tree
- I miss going out and getting a 'real' tree -as long as it's not -40!!
- I miss the uniqueness of a different tree
- I didn't have to try and fit a' real' one back into the box!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
My musical kids!

Here is, not the best picture of Kalli playing guitar in the school christmas concert--she is the only one in Grade 3 & obviously the only one with a blue guitar!! In the lead up to the concert we heard 'Joy to the World' about a million and a half times--we were very 'joyous' when all the practising for the concert was done!! (I think it's time to update the camera to better capture these moments!)

Here is Taylor playing some musical instrument-I'm not sure what it is - but she also played her recorder for parts of it too. She just loves to perform in whatever capacity she can!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Baby Shower
Now after 2 of my own, I can now pick up a crying firstborn of one of my friends, wrap them just right, swing them just right, and what do you know, they're happy!!
And now mine are coming with me to the baby shower. They're going to help us set up and decorate because now, they're old enough! I miss the baby times, but only a little--as long as I can occasionally hold a newborn, I'm good to go!! So don't worry hubby, my biological clock has been unplugged!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My First Blog entry
BUT with the amount of snow we have and the warmer weather, it does make for perfect snowman making conditions--this is something that doesn't happen too often here. For the most part, our snow is all 'crystally' and you couldn't make a snowball if your life depended on it. I think this weekend i'll send the kids outside to make one--if there's still snow left!!