Now that it's February I can begin my "countdown to the cabin"....17 sleeps left before we head out. This is my favorite view--i wish i was there so i could pick up that cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy the late sunrise!!
We will miss Rendevous, not in terms of "we're so sad we're going to miss it"--but we've just noticed that since building the cabin we miss a lot of Whitehorse events because we're out at the cabin! (I think the kids are more annoyed than Chris and I!!) This time we are going out without the kids, so were are going to miss Kalli at the spelling bee--now THAT i will miss, but i'm sure the grandparents will take lots of pictures....!!
The exciting part about this trip is that it will be with friends--an actual couple!! You see, it's always been 'Denise & the boys' aka--Chris's friends!! So New Years 2007, as we (Denise and the 3 boys) sat in the hot tub, i told them that it was time for them to find girlfriends because i was tired of listening to hockey talk, sledding talk and silly guy humor!! Now don't get me wrong--these guys are great--they never expected me to wait on them, they always help with clean up and meal making, but seriously, how much do we need to talk about Sidney Crosby's stats, or how your sled should be jetted at the summit??
I am happy to report that while it took one friend almost a year, he did it; he managed to meet himself a really nice girl. She likes to do all the stuff we like to do, so she's a great match!! (We tell him that we like her more than him!!!) He brought her out this past Christmas, but because we had 14 people there, they were sent to the camper due to lack of space in the cabin!! However this trip they will get the full cabin experience including the hot tub--and it will be a nice couples weekend--and i can't wait! An even bigger bonus for me, Chris is going to get MY sled working. As we discussed the repairs last night, the "jetting" came up and i said "doesn't it have the 'dial-a-jet' on it?" This is how i know that for too long it been "Denise & the boys":
1) i know what a 'dial-a-jet' acutally is and
2) how to correctly use it in a sentence!!!
So this trip, all four of us will be able to go out sledding. This is Chris last year:

Where is your cabin at?
ReplyDeleteI would love to have one as well. The hubby says because we have a truck-camper that we don't need a cabin! boooo!
We are at your end of Little Salmon.
ReplyDeleteThe good part about truck and camper is that you explore the Yukon more, however it does mean that you camp 10 feet away from people you've never met before--the good, the bad and everything in between!!
Nice! Little Salmon is such a beautiful spot. Most of the time we haven't been camping in campgrounds, so more often than not there are no neighbours! So far our favorite drive has been down the South Canol. Gorgeous drive!