This past weekend was our 4 day getaway to the cabin. The kids were staying with Bubba & Papa and we were supposed to have our first 'couples' weekend out there but our friends cancelled. We head out on Thursday, with the quad, because we were told there had been lots of snow, but really we plowed only 6 weeks ago, so how much snow could there be?

Well we weren't expecting it to be up to our knees!!
Chris lit the fire in the cabin, unloaded the quad and began plowing

while I began shovelling. I started to shovel a path to the cabin in hopes of uncovering the stairs.

But we also wanted to get the hot tub in, so I needed to shovel off the deck where the roof had slid.

It was like concrete!! I never did get it all off! I then shovelled a path down to the lake so we (and by we I mean Chris) could drill a hole to get water to fill up the hot tub. Doesn't look too inviting there does it?!

Finally I shovelled a path to the outhouse, the wood pile and dug down to the chopping block!! (There is a lot of work to having a cabin--but hey, it's all worth it!) Rex had a great time 'swimming' thru all the snow. But after 2 hours we had to put him in the cabin to dry off--he was sopping wet and shivering!!

The cabin was warmed up enough to make the roof slide.... again.... onto the path..... so I gave up trying to dig out the stairs--we worked with the snow and made a ramp instead!!! We ate a late supper and were in bed by 8:30!! Had a great sleep and woke up to....snow! It snowed all that day and we accumulated about another 6 inches! So I shovelled out the path to the outhouse again!
I did get my stained glass hung up - thanks Shane and Renata--it looks BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE IT!!
That evening our "cancelled couple" showed up, so that was a great surprise! (Notice how they missed all the shovelling though!) The next day we all bundled up and went for a walk/snowshoe around--it was a beautiful sunny day--and hard to stay inside!
The guys did some ice fishing, but with no luck-even with this lovely "bait-mobile":
The nights were clear which is perfect for star gazing from the hot tub! It was a great weekend and of course Sunday came too soon! We're hoping to be back out sometime during spring break, so i'm back to......15 days and counting down.....