Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Baby Shower

I am helping to plan a baby shower for my (much younger!!) friend. It takes me back almost 11 years to when my firstborn arrived. I remember them handing her off to me and all of the sudden you realize this being is yours--you're the mother, you should know what they like, how to make them happy, what they need etc...WAIT A MINUTE--I've never met them before--how the heck am I supposed to know?!?!? On the 2nd night, after hours of trying, I have not managed to appease this little baby, so I ring for The Nurse. She bustles in, wraps her tight, gives her 2 pats on the bottom and bounces her just right and suddenly she's happy!! OKAY THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR!! I couldn't figure out how she could achieve this so easily and i had been struggling for hours to make 'MY baby' happy. It didn't make sense-I've always been good with babies, I wasn't scared about having a baby, and it certainly didn't occur to me that I wouldn't be able to solve any problem with my baby. But I remember asking her as tears of frustration were sliding down my cheeks, 'how did you know what to do'? She told me very gently...'Over the span of my career, I've done this with about a thousand different babies". OH, and a lightbulb comes on in my head!!
Now after 2 of my own, I can now pick up a crying firstborn of one of my friends, wrap them just right, swing them just right, and what do you know, they're happy!!
And now mine are coming with me to the baby shower. They're going to help us set up and decorate because now, they're old enough! I miss the baby times, but only a little--as long as I can occasionally hold a newborn, I'm good to go!! So don't worry hubby, my biological clock has been unplugged!


  1. Less than three months and our next baby arrives! Hopefully I have perfected some of the things I wasn't so good at the first time around!!!

    Welcome to blogging!


  2. Thanks for the welcome--i have been following yours and some others for a couple of months and have enjoyed them a lot.
    I'm sure you'll do fine with baby #2--i thought it was way easier the 2nd time around--i guess because i had a little bit of an idea of what to expect, but what i didn't expect was a completely different personality right from day one!!!
